Many of our clients at Love Admin have hectic schedules and this includes regular flights to conferences and meetings in different countries.
Here’s some tips to help you prevent or mitigate the effects of jet lag and feel ready for that all important meeting when you arrive at your destination:-
Sleep: Get a good night’s sleep the night before you travel. People often make the mistake of sleeping for a just a few hours before a long flight in the hope this means they can sleep on the plane or they will be so tired when they arrive that they will be able to sleep on arrival. This is a big mistake. Last minute changes to your usual routine will make it harder to adjust to new time zones. Getting a good night's sleep before your flight will leave you better equipped to cope with jet lag.
Arrive in daylight hours: Where possible, book a flight which will arrive in daylight as this will make it easier for you to stay awake.
Factor in a Stopover: If it is a long-haul flight then allow time to build in a stopover as this gives your body more time to adapt to the new routine.
Avoid alcohol: the effects of alcohol at altitude increase tiredness and cause dehydration which in turn makes it even harder to beat jet lag.
Avoid Caffeine: Also avoid caffeine drinks such as coffee, cola and energy drinks. The caffeine will affect your ability to sleep and increase jet lag recovery time. Drinking lots of water is the best way to offset the effects of jet lag.
Adjust your timezone: Once your flight has taken off adjust your watch to your new time zone. This helps you to psychologically adjust to the time zone you are travelling to.
Love Admin Virtual Assistants can plan every aspect of your travel for you from booking flights and taxis to hotels, visas (where required) and excursions. We can also research, plan and book your family holidays too.